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We urge you to join us in praying for peace. Our unique rosary especially designed for this peace mission, provides a unique symbol of our desire to bring peace to the world.


Pray The Rosary4Peace

In today's tumultuous world, where wars ravage nations, discord tears through our communities, and unrest disturbs our homes, the need for peace has never been more urgent. The Virgin Mary, through her numerous apparitions, has consistently urged humanity to pray for peace by reciting the rosary. 

We invite you to join us in this sacred endeavour. Our uniquely crafted rosary serves not only as a tool for prayer but also as a symbol of our collective aspiration for peace. Its distinctive central medal is a direct appeal to Our Lady, asking for her intercessionin bringing peace to our troubled world.

All proceeds from the sale of this rosary will be dedicated to advancing peace initiatives globally. We firmely believe that by uniting in prayer with our Rosary4Peace we can confront and overcome the challenges of conflict that plague our world. Join us in making a difference, one prayer at a time.

The Rosary

Holy Mary Praying

Our Lady's message of peace

The Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, has long been regarded as a symbol of peace and compassion within the Christian faith. As a revered figure, her teachings and messages are significant to many believers worldwide.
In regard to praying for peace, the Virgin Mary is often the power of collective prayer through the rosary to bring about positive change. She has implored us to seek inner peace and tranquillity through prayer as it means of helping to bring about peace in the world.
Through her various appearances and messages to visionaries and Mystics, the Virgin Mary emphasises the need for love, forgiveness, and compassion as crucial aspects of fostering greater peace across the world. She is also called on her followers to support efforts for peace and justice both through acts of charity and through active participation in local and global initiatives aimed at promoting peace. The Virgin Mary's teaching on prayer for peace a greater sense of compassion and empathy towards others, as well as a deep commitment to personal prayer and spiritual growth. Through these efforts, believers can contribute to creating a more peaceful and and harmonious world for all.

Mary asks us to pray for peace

Mary is the mother of Jesus, who is seen as the Prince of Peace. Therefore, Mary's appearance in requesting prayers for peace is significant because she serves as a mediator between humanity and the divine, and her request for peace reflects the values and teachings of Jesus, who preached love, forgiveness, and nonviolence. Mary's apparitions also symbolise hope, mercy, and compassion, and her message should inspire us as individuals and communities to unite and work towards peace and harmony.

Virgin Mary and Jesus Statue

Where Rosary4Peace began 

In late 2007, I lost my beloved mother, Rita Dugan (Hartnett). Returning from the hospital and overwhelmed by emotions, I found solace in a small pamphlet on Fatima that I unconsciously pulled out from my bookshelves. My mother was a devout Catholic, and many mystical things happened in our family. When I shared this incident with my aunt, she encouraged me to believe it was a message from my mother; that I had to visit Fatima someday. 


A few years later, as my 50th birthday approached, I embarked on a journey to Fatima. I knew little about the place but felt drawn towards it. After settling into my hotel, I walked towards the Sanctuary and stumbled upon a large glass case with a few pilgrims gazing at it. Inside the glass case was a piece of the original Berlin Wall that had been donated to the Sanctuary after the fall of the wall and the subsequent end to communism across the Soviet Union. What I saw next left me in tears. My name, "Gary", was painted on the rock wall. It was an overwhelming moment for me. 


It was a sign that there was something for me to do. For some years, I have fretted over what I was being guided to do. Now I believe that my mission is clear. I want to encourage everyone, everywhere, to pray the Rosary for peace. We need to pray to our Our Lady to intercede on our behalf, to end all conflict in this world and bring beautiful peace. 

Catholic Church

The Berlin Wall - Fatima


The Berlin Wall, a symbol of the Cold War, was a barrier constructed by the German Democratic Republic (East Germany) starting August 13th,1961, to separate East Berlin from West Berlin. The wall was built to prevent Easterners from fleeing to West Berlin. The wall stood for 28 years, becoming a brutal reminder of the division between East and West Germany, until it was finally torn down in 1989. 

Today, remnants of the Berlin Wall can still be found in various parts of the world, including the Fatima shrine in Portugal. The Fatima Wall, as it is commonly called, comprises three concrete slabs from the original Berlin Wall donated to the shrine by a German artist in 1994. The slabs were installed in the prayer area near the Chapel of the Apparitions, a powerful reminder of the wall's historical significance and the worldwide need for freedom and peace.

The Berlin Wall at Fatima serves as a solemn symbol of the division and oppression during the Cold War era and a testament to the importance of reconciliation and unity among people. Its presence at the shrine provides people. Its presence at the shrine allows visitors to reflect on the past, present, and future and to pray for healing and peace. 

Berlin Wall

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Rosary4Peace, Villa 93, Street 17c, Umm Suqeim 3, Dubai UAE

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