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The Rosary
  • The Rosary

    In a world often torn by wars and hatred, the power of collective prayer cannot be underestimated.


    Our specially crafted rosary is not just a tool for prayer; it's a symbol of a global movement aimed at bringing peace to the most troubled parts of our planet. By purchasing and using this rosary to pray for peace, you're joining a community of believers who share a common goal—to overcome divisiveness through faith and unity.


    This rosary serves as a testament to your commitment to fostering peace and harmony worldwide. Let's come together, one prayer at a time, to build a future where peace prevails over conflict. Your support can turn the tide, encouraging others to join in this noble cause. Embrace this symbol of peace, and let your prayers contribute to a world free from wars and hatred.

    • Shipping Policy

      UK rosary GBP5.00 shipping GBP2.00 (For 2/3 shipping GBP2.50)

      Europe rosary GBP5.00 shipping GBP3.75 (For 2/3 shipping GBP 4.00)

      Rest of the World GBP 5.00 shipping GBP 4.50 (for shipping 2/3 shipping GBP4.75)

      For larger volumes pricing on application

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